Justice for All -PF Ethiopia organized Addiction Prevention and Anger Management training from October13 to 14, 2018 in Adama World Training Center. A total of 109 Prison Sociologists, psychologist, social workers, health professionals and para-councilors – all directly or indirectly involved in prison activities of the Federal (ShewaRobit, Kilinto, Kaliti, Ziway and Dire Dawa) and the nine Regional States Prisons participated.

Anger is a normal emotion and we all have been angry at one time or another. This training focused on the relevant and concerned bodied based on the recent incidents, mobs and unrest that happened in prisons, and lessons learned from the aftermath said Ato Tesfaye Teka, Rehabilitation and Social Affairs Program Manager at JFA-PFE. This training is therefore can fairly suit the immediate need and can be readily tailored to bring about behavioral as well as attitudinal changes among prison communities in ge neral and inmates in particular he added.

The training was officially opened by Director General Jemal Abaso, Commissioner of Federal Prison Administration. In his opening speech the Director General expressed how timely this training was considering the recent riots and unrest that happened in prisons and that there is a need for such kind of training for a wise handling of such occurrences.

Pastor Daniel Gebreselassie, President of JFA-PFE, briefly introduces the work of the organization especially in the areas of prions rehabilitation and inte gration. He said JFA-PFE believes that prisoners can change their behaviour and be productive members to the society after imprisonment and that is why we provide machines and hand tools for skill training and practicein the Prison. “Through JFA-PFE’s prisoners’ rehabilitation services we provide metalwork, woodwork and swing machines forprisoners with short term trainings” he added.
The training was conducted with the objectives of re-strengthening anti-addiction activities in prison, create an understanding of the magnitude of existing problems of substance abuse and to create an understanding on the psychology of “Anger” and how to manage it during any sort of confrontation among prisoners, families, friends, police staff members and beyond. Furthermore, the training aimed to give a trainer of trainees’ orientation in identifying triggering factors of “Anger” and what to do to avoid it from happening; by ensuring prison place relationships among inmates are positive and constructive.

Dr. Emebet Mulugeta, lecture at Addis Ababa University Social Work Department , facilitated the training on addiction prevention and Ato Tesfaye Teka on the other hand trained on anger management.At the end, post training evaluation was made and the response rate indicated that the participants’ found the training useful in their work and appreciated the knowledge of the presenters